Thread: Trust.
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Old 11-06-2007, 03:31 PM
hitch1978 hitch1978 is offline
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Default Re: Trust.

Lack of trust is a cancer in any relationship.

If you go into any serious relationship, there is only one way it will ever work, and that is to give 100% of yourself. Honesty really is the key.

I am not saying that you have to commit your body, mind and soul to someone after knowing them for a day, but more that when you decide this relationship is worth making 'seriou' that there cannot be any holding back of oneself. To try and protect yourself emotionally from something that may not be there will always lead to it becoming. At least in my experiance.

Also, when I talk about honesty, that doesn't mean that you have to be like Jim Carey in 'Liar Liar.' 'That dress doesn't make your bum look big - your bum makes your bum look big.' eg is never nescesary.

IMHO the keys to succesful relationships, and vital for longevity are -

- Honesty
- Trust
- Respect
- Communication
- Contentment with oneself (So the relationship is not one way dependance)

Not nescesarily in that order.

P.S. I suppose the last one may not be essential, but I believe it is important for a healthy life for both parties.
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