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Old 11-06-2007, 02:21 PM
EddieMoney22 EddieMoney22 is offline
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Default Re: New to OOT. Have custody of my nephews. LONG

Wow! I didn't expect this kind of response so fast. I will try to respond to all responses.

Vyse, I was spanked growing up and it didn't hurt me at all in life. I didn't say I don't believe in it. What happned was the kids spoke with a law guardian who asked them about there grandmother (my mother) and they were like no way do we want to live with her she spanks us. And believe me you know it when you get spanked by her lol. But she does not beat you ( I think it's a huge differnce) The law guardian never asked us about spanking.

Paul B., Round Guy and Fast Food - I Hear what you are all saying this is a very unfair spot to put my wife in. I knew coming into the marriage that she didn't want kids. Even though I did I was and am able to deal with that. But to give up my nephews into fostercare is very tough and Im not sure how I would deal with it after the fact.

42 - The 17 year old just turned 17 on Sept. 24th. So it's another year.

NT - I am in NY, Rochester NY. Right now we do get medicad for them from the system and some cash for food and clothing. That part to me is not the issue though I don't need the money from the system (although I didn't realize how much two growing boys can eat and how fast they ruin there clothes lol). I have dealt with the "system" alot in the last 16 months and your right they do not seem to tell you everything.

I don't know I really don't want them to go to foster care. and I really don't want to lose my wife. I hope my Mother's petition will go through this time. The social work basically told us they are not worried about the 15 or 17 year old (basically for the same reasons you explained above). They really are concered for the 12 year old as he would then be placed in foster care alone.
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