Thread: Stiffing
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Old 11-06-2007, 01:37 PM
Vyse Vyse is offline
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Location: not tipping
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Default Re: Stiffing


in the situation you describe, are you not tipping because

1- Some moralistic stance

2- Save a few bucks

Most probably think 2 and say 1.

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My moral stance is thus: I spend on what I feel is worth it. If I don't feel it's worth it to tip, I don't. There are no ifs, there are no buts, and I don't care if I'm called a cheapskate or look like a douche or whatever. If the service was worth it and I still didn't tip, then you would be correct.

Sorry, dude, but the tone of your posts in this thread is definitely self-congratulatory

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Most of which is derived simply because up to those points in my posts I was about the only person who posted an extended reasoning / diatribe on not tipping. Seriously, whenever there's a mass consensus on something and someone differs and explains why they differ in anything that can be construed as a rant, they are suddenly "self-congratulatory."

not to mention the fact that you have Mr. Pink as your avatar--"Not on my watch," etc.

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You're much too quick to make assumptions. And why do I have Mr. Pink as my avatar? Wait, do you really think I made the custom changes and themed my stuff all on my own, just because of a thread on tipping? If you suspected that, you have some logical issues to fix.

And sorry, but not usually tipping is the definition of "miserly."

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I would likely ignore this if you said that the single action of not tipping can be the definition of miserly, but it would be a laughable proposition to try to convince anyone that one single action would define a person. And it's pretty evident that the connotation of miserly implies a previous motive or premeditated belief; "miserly" people don't just impulsively decide not to leave tips on random. I have my reasons why I don't, but if my reasons make me "miserly," you should try to point out how my reasons coincide with miserly rather than tossing out "miserly" buzzwords.

If you're okay with being the antisocial creep who doesn't tip

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Ah, so I have no choice -- I have to become a minion and go along with what everyone else does, right? If that's your logic for why you tip, that's all fine and dandy, but it's not something I choose to subscribe to.

more power to you and I'm sure you're saving a lot of $$, but you can't really have it both ways--you're a cheapskate.

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Again, a person can be mean in regards to a situation but not be a mean person. A father can be mean in his punishment towards his son, but that doesn't necessarily dictate him as a mean person. If you want to call me not tipping being a cheapskate, that's fine and I particularly couldn't care less -- I guess it's accurate, and I'm fine with it. But to imply not tipping makes you less of a person -- seriously, miserly? Stop the hyperbole. -- and forms the basis of my character is simply fallacious.
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