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Old 11-06-2007, 11:20 AM
droopy0021 droopy0021 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2005
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Default Re: Guy crashes into my truck, his fault, gives false insurance info

the only play here is going to the police, don't show up to the dude's house, nothing good will come of this

alternatively, call your insurance company and ask what to do, they have probably dealt with this before

[/ QUOTE ]

My thoughts (I'm in the insurance business):

1. Calling cops probably won't do you any good re: getting your $$. They filled out a report and the person filled his info, some of it false. Even if they give him a ticket for filing false report, how is that going to get your $$? It's not.

2. You've made reasonable attempts to contact this individual by phone. You can try a letter next. If that doesn't work you could enlist an attorney, who likely would charge you $$ to pursue that it wouldn't be worthwhile to use said attorney.

3. Your insurance company can give you advice and might issue letter to recoup the whole repair cost (including deductible). How much they pay to fix your car will determine how hard they pursue. If it's $1-2k to fix they'll probably try with a letter or 2 and phone calls. Probably not worth their cost to sick a mad attorney.

4. I'd recommend you get the repair done through your insurance company, pay the deductible and provide them the accident report & contact info you've developed (right phone #). It sucks you have to pay the deductible. This unfortunately happens a lot....the responsible person with insurance pays when a deadbeat causes an accident.

This accident shouldn't be held against your insurance costs (unless you have a lot of claims).
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