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Old 11-06-2007, 04:58 AM
Double Ice Double Ice is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 433
Default Stars Timebank Suggestion

Having no timebank completely blows because you don't know how much time you have left to act on your hand. There should be a countdown of a few seconds before timebank is used, incase you have none. It really sucks having your decisions feel rushed because you don't know when your hand is going to be killed. This has happened to me and many other players before, but I was just reminded of it again when watching Rizen play the $162 nightly FT and make a point of it in chat.

I'm sure many may rebut: "but you should have conserved your timebank so that those problems wouldn't exist, and if you didn't conserve your time bank, tough luck." However, timebank running to zero can happen for a variety of reasons: poor connection being the most likely, but also not watching tables closely or being afk and the game invokes timebank and uses it all while it is not the active window.

Another idea to help this problem, is the idea of giving additional time per break instead of all at the beginning.

So in short, a countdown before your hand is killed please.

ps. Also note that live poker also has a countdown. While online poker should not strive to be equal to live poker, it is an important note.
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