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Old 11-06-2007, 03:16 AM
thirddan thirddan is offline
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Default Thirddan\'s new log where he lifts things and eats things...

if youve been around this forum for a while you might remember my old log where i lost of ton of weight doing the velocity diet, if not then you can search for its about time i did another one...

about a year ago i was a giant fat guy at around 190 @ 5' my leanest right after the velocity diet i was about 155, but didn't really like how i looked cuz i was smaller/weaker than i was used to and my lifts were not where i wanted them and i think thats more important than having a six pack or i started to eat again and gained some muscles and some fat and now im looking to lean out just a bit and see if i can keep myself entertained and increase my lifts a bit...

so, ive decided to eat slightly below maintenance and mess around with one of chad waterbury's routines from t-nation...i've done some of his 10x3 stuff, but now im gonna do his Total Body Training program...3 day per week full body routine where each day is made up of 4 compound lifts and 2 iso/smaller movements...

i think i weight like 172 or so right now, but i will weigh in friday morning and maybe take some pics/measurements...

so anyways...todays workout was...

Workout A - 3 sets of 5 reps w/ 60s between sets

+Conventional Deadlift - 275
+Back Squat - 185 (ripped my boxers some time during the second set)
+DB Flat Bench - 75 (prob can do 77.5, but maybe not 80)
+Seated Cable Row - 200
+DB Hammer Curl - 40 (prob can do 45, first time i've done curls in months)
+Standing Calf Raises - 250 (tougher than i thought it would be, but im pretty tired by the time i get to these)

oh yeah, i [censored] hate any kind of cardio so i probably won't do any...i might add in a session of complexes or 1-armed snatches on saturdays if i feel like going to the gym)

questions, comments, criticisms, calling me an idiot (thremp) all very welcome...
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