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Old 11-06-2007, 02:22 AM
RydenStoompala RydenStoompala is offline
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Default Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table

Years ago, the donk-infested 5-10 crap shoot in Halifax, I fold after betting out on the flop wth aces. I had seen the player beside me look at his cards and he had a set. He rased and I tossed my aces face-up into the muck. The dealer made sure everone knew that I had just thrown away what must have been the greatest hand in the history of poker. The collective IQ of that table was 7 and they spent the night hammering on the "moron from out West." It was one of my single-biggest wins in a small game. The last strategy I heard from the table coach to the loser as I was stacking another pile of his chips was "you were right to play that queen-three agressively, that is a very strong hand."

Poker rules.
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