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Old 11-06-2007, 01:03 AM
bunny bunny is offline
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Default Re: In the case against religious theism, what is so damning...

My best definition of god is "The benevolent creator of the universe able to do everything it is possible to do and able to know everything it is possible to know."

EDIT: In case you are going down the "How does your experience imply the existence of god (as opposed to a mentally communicating alien, a comforting self-delusion or a culturally conditioned interpretation of some mental phenomenon for example)?" - I dont think it does logically imply it. These are some of the alternative naturalistic explanations I feel a skeptical observer should be more likely to back. My position is that my belief in god was a discovery - backed by only one slender piece of evidence of dubious value with many competing and more ontologically simple explanations. My preference would be to accept one of the competing explanations and that was the path I tried to take for several years, but ultimately it didnt alter the fact that I still found myself believing in a god.
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