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Old 11-05-2007, 03:09 PM
HermannTL HermannTL is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 91
Default Re: Multi-tabling (how the heck do y\'all do it)

Why am am not playing poker? (Sorry)

I want at least three things: I want to build my skills and my bankroll so that I can gradually move up in level...and I want to have some fun doing it. At this very novice stage I think I do much more skill-building playing one table. OTOH if I can multitable and maintain a positive winrate/100 then my winrate/hr is higher. Obviously some of you have more fun multitabling because of more frequent action. That sounds like--for me--I should do a mix of the two, building skills at one table and building bankroll at two tables until I have enough experience to build skills at two tables. Likely I'll single-table any time I move up to a new level.

Meanwhile, I am *brand* new to multi-tabling. I did one session at .02/.04 and one session at .05/.10, both successfully, up significantly more at one table than I was down at the other. I know I made more mistakes than single-tabling (and will review in more detail)...including one time that I accidentally clicked "Fold" holding 99, which is funny considering the 99 thread I have running. Another time I clicked "call" without considering the VP$IP of the raiser, producing a "you idiot" moment.
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