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Old 11-05-2007, 11:51 AM
cbloom cbloom is offline
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Default Re: 45 lbs of fat loss and counting - progress report

Ok, I'm not gonna go into the whole bodybuilding workout thing (definitely not the best routine for you at the moment), but about the methyl-vol :

Your body is not in a condition that it needs this or can make use of it. You haven't done enough research about the support meds that are needed to even make it effective at all. Your physique is completely untrained, so it's really not even going to provide much benefit over just lifting. You're not lifting nearly hard enough to really get the benefit, and you don't even know HOW to lift hard enough to get the benefit. You're not eating nearly enough to really put on muscle. Perhaps worst of all, you're eating very low fat and you've just been on a near-starvation diet which has totally decimated your body's natural test production. If you would just eat enough and work out hard you could blow up your natural test levels, but if you supplement your body won't restore itself right.

The rough guidelines for people who are optimal for aid are :

over 25 (or at least over 21)
experienced lifters who are lifting heavy and know how to push intensity
(eg. lifting heaving for 4 years or more)
at a plateau in their natural lifting progression
eating a ton of protein and fat
experienced with using other supplements and diet, and have health hormone levels to start with.

also IMHO if you're going to use something methyl-vol/superdrol doesn't look like a good choice in any case.

As for the lipodrene - meh, it's basically just ephedra, but taking it with the cycle is retarded because you're trying to cut and bulk at the same time which someone at your untrained level shouldn't be doing (cuz you don't need to and you won't succeed at both - I know bodybuilders use this stack to cut but they're in a totally different starting point). You also seem to be losing weight plenty fast without it and your heart is probably not very healthy at the moment so it's really not advised.

What you should be doing is putting on muscle fast. You should probably just do Starting Strength.
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