Thread: Randomness
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Old 11-05-2007, 11:33 AM
LarryLaughs LarryLaughs is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 47
Default Re: Randomness

OK, this is not related to poker theory, but here is my take.

Assuming that only your interference can change something.
Otherwise the events repeat like clockwork.

If you do not play. Just observe quietly. You should see the same cards every day.

However, if you do play and you use the knowledge you got, you are changing the behaviour of the other players and maybe the dealer too. You might stack someone with the first hand and then you have less players than in the original day 0 where you took down all the hands.

Now, on day 1, your action causes the game to have less players. This should mean that the same cards are not dealt in the same way anymore, are they?
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