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Old 11-05-2007, 09:36 AM
ChrisV ChrisV is offline
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Default Re: Comment from my born again Christian Aunt

I would definitely slap someone across the face if they said something like that to me.

Seriously how can your reaction to the idea that a human being of your acquaintance will be tortured for eternity be "boy, that's a shame"? It's so sociopathic I can't wrap my head around it at all.

Edit: btw this is in acccordance with a theory of mine that the majority of Christians don't actually believe the things they say they believe. They have their beliefs stashed away in a drawer in their brains marked "stuff I believe", but they don't believe it on an unconscious level, in the way they believe, say, that they will fall and hit the ground if they jump off the edge of a building. They think they believe it, but don't actually. If you could somehow do a controlled experiment, eg measuring galvanic skin potentials, I believe that you would see a much bigger response if you told a person that a friend of theirs still alive had been abducted and tortured than if you told them that a dead friend of theirs was in hell.
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