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Old 11-05-2007, 09:34 AM
AZK AZK is offline
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Default Re: Disadvantages of dating a doctor or med student...

Speaking from personal experience...It will only get worse. She will have no time for you. I have 10 close friends, 7 of which came into school dating. By the end of first year, only 2 remained. I would hardly call these relationships healthy. One was a 5 year long term, the other a short 1 year relationship. In both, there have been several rocky patches, and a few break up/get back together in under a week type situations. pathetic. You do not want this lifestyle. It's heartbreaking and depressing but when you choose to go into medicine, it's like a 2nd significant other. I can't say how 3rd/4th/residency is, but from everything I've heard, it doesn't get easier.
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