Thread: Why Limit?
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Old 11-04-2007, 10:59 PM
Nfinity Nfinity is offline
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Default Re: Why Limit?

Wow DD just got unleashed.

I was going to respond to that poster but it seems like he covered pretty much everything I was going to say and then some, so I'll offer up my .02 on the the topic.

I can't remember which 2+2 author said it, maybe Ed Miller but I don't wanna misquote anyone.

Anyway, they said that the profitability in NL vs Limit favor NL at the lower stakes but eventually inverse as you go up in stakes.

They didn't expound upon it but I personally think this is because NL is about forcing your opponent to make a few big mistakes in a session, whereas Limit profitability derives from forcing your opponents to make a lot of little mistakes. As you move up in stakes the overall skill of your opponent goes up as well. It becomes harder as you move up to goad opponents into making these big mistakes, and it requires more overall skill to convince them to do so.

That being said why do I play Limit as a small stakes player? Because that's where my head is at. I've put a lot of time into my limit game and I think that it is a little bit more profitable for ME to play my Limit game than to play NL while learning the ins and outs of the game.

You are going to want to learn limit eventually, and not just limit Hold'Em. Learn every game, pick one that works for you and run with it a while. When you get tired of that pick up a different one and learn that one while playing. It's amazing how much stuff crosses over, and how many "pitfalls" of each particular game you avoid by having just played a different one. That, at least for me, is one of the keys for keeping poker both fun AND profitable.
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