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Old 11-04-2007, 09:49 PM
rvg72 rvg72 is offline
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Default Re: New Software: Holdem Manager

How much RAM should we have for decent performance? I have 2.0GB total, but would like to allocate about 1.0GB of that to a virtual machine. Will the remaining 1.0GB be enough? I have a 3.4GHz Intel processor btw.


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That should be much more than enough to get great performance

Roy I'm trying to figure out how to make a filter to show only flush draws and str8 draws on the turn. If I select high card + any draws for hand value it will give me all the draws but also all non draw high card values. I just want flush draw/str8 draws only. Is this possible?

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It is technically possible but not yet due to the way I've setup the filter selection form.

Also, when I select players on flop equal to 2 in the filters and then run the filter when I go back to edit the filter all of them are the same but this one is gone so I have to reselect it everytime I want to edit filters. Is this fixable?

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Thanks, will fix

This error msg. when running a tournament report with a filter applied.

The following error occurred when running this report: ERROR: 42601: syntax error at or near "AND"

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There were a bunch of tourney report problems - they'll be fixed in 0.52



On second thought don't worry about my suggestions and get that HUD finished


This is pretty vital to get this out before PokerTracker 3 goes public with their beta.

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I'm going to focus on being better but of course having it out early is always nice.

Was there a final word on Mac compatibility? Obviously boot camp is an option, but are there any plans on developing a Mac client?

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I ran it through the Mono Project analyzer and it looks like it will be possible. Once I get the Windows version rocking then I'll see specifically what needs to be done for Mac / Linux support.

Is there a way to add player notes? I use this quite frequently in PokerOffice while reviewing with the replayer.

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Not added yet although there are tables in the DB already setup for notes.

The export from old DB format seems to be broken. After export and import i only get 10k hands out of ~300k

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Yeah, still fixing a problem with this on some pc's with lots of mined hands.


This is a seriously long thread, so I'm just going to ask, apologies in advance if these are repeats.
1. Is this program free right now?
2. Is there a HUD already built in? If not can you use PA HUD with it?

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1) Yes
2) Not yet - a lot of people are using RealTime HUD at the moment since it is also free and does not require PT.

Still working away on 0.52b - probably need to delay it a day but still trying to get it out tonight.

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