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Old 11-04-2007, 03:54 PM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: High Schooler Dresses up as KKK member for Halloween


And no its not just white liberals that get offended. Lebowski If you honestly believe that wear a KKK costume next halloween and walk through harlmem with it.

[/ QUOTE ]

You don't even need to be black OR liberal to be offended by it.
My Mom has voted Republican her whole life and is as anti-liberal and anti-Hilary as they come. Listens to and watches all the various conservatives like Limbaugh, Hannity, etc etc.
Also worked for a Republican governor where she had a desk along-side intern Dick Cheney.

She would be INCREDIBLY offended by somebody wearing something like this. Thought the situation in my home-town where two kids did this was just terrible and was offended by that too.

You could walk through or go trick-or-treating in either of my parents' neighborhoods which are probably both 80%+ Republican/conservative and I think you would find yourself really offending practically everyone there and possibly having to deal with some violent senior-citizens ganging up against you.

OTOH - I consider myself fairly liberal and I'm still a little torn about it because I feel they have the right to express themselves even if their opinions offend me and/or most people.

Note that in my experience with this from my hometown the TRUE liberals, the ACLU, were there to HELP the KKK and their right to march and express themselves.
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