Thread: Pakistan
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Old 11-04-2007, 03:39 PM
AJW AJW is offline
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Default Re: Pakistan

Having a military dictator who stifles all opposition, bans protest and demonstration and makes democratic change an impossibility while supporting the policies of a country that many of the population feel is at war against all Muslims is a sure fire way of creating radicals.
There is no democratic process soon the judicial protest will be shut down how are the people to supposed to affect change?
I’m sure that Musharraf will tell the west that he is the only thing standing between Pakistan’s nuclear weapons and a horde of evil radicals bent on destruction but the truth is the longer his in power and the less the peoples views are reflected in Pakistan’s policies the more the people will turn towards radical Islam as it will be the only form of opposition.
Also the distinction between the north of Pakistan and the south of Afghanistan is a western one to the people of that region they’re all Pashtun and the war in Afghanistan is a war against their people.
One last thing the IMF’s insistence in the 1990s that Pakistan follow a financial austerity package in order to pay back its foreign debts lead to the removal of all state funding for schooling the result was Saudi money poured in to fund Wahabie Madrassas.
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