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Old 11-04-2007, 08:18 AM
PlzHelpMe PlzHelpMe is offline
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Default Shouldn\'t all decisions be standard for the best payers (theory)(long)

Definately tl;dr unless you want to read about some very general and posibly basic stuff, or maybe it's not. But it is occupying my mind at the moment.

Unfortunately this may not be conveyed as clearly as I hope but just bear with me. At the ssnl and below no winner at HSNL or even most MSNL winners should ever face a decision that would not be standard and clear cut.(for one reason or anather there will be at least a very small number of these players playing (br management or other major financial setback would most likely be the causea) This is obviosly the case once these players have a good read on the differnt classifications of players at this level. This includes unknows.

I just don't feel that there are any (maybe an insignificant few) players that play regularly at this level that can think deep enough to put these players to decisions that don't have a clear cut answer. The exception to this exists when the math is too close to decide during the hand and hand ranges are unclear. However these situations are so marginal it matters very little which way you go. Obviously no huge mistake could occur here and they are rare anyways. a Otherwise a person should have an exact play (or couple of plays randomized or weighted one way or the others mostly for metagame because there will always be an optimal play in a vacume but maybe a different play will work better after a little history.

I am specifically talking about players that are able to think on levels beyond the regulars. I hope you guys know what i'm getting at even though this may or may not be clear. I could go into this further but hope this will either generate some sort of discussion leading a discussion of when does this not become possible anymore due to the multiple level of thinking of the competition. I guess what I'm saying is what level can no longer play on almost complete autopilot (with PAHUD and large sample stats but not much else) without giving up a lot or even become a dog in the game.

At this point either discuss or flame away... Or ignore of course... but if you got this far and understood my point hopefully there is something to discuss... be back in 12 hrs.
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