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Old 11-04-2007, 02:07 AM
Khaos4k Khaos4k is offline
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Default Re: I know, don\'t slowplay but...

I find that villains have a very high fold to cbet % on paired flops. About the only time they continue is with overpairs or better. If I've been cbetting a lot, then this changes, as villains will like to bluff a bit more. This doesn't seem to be the case here though, so I like a check.

How to play after the check is interesting though. If we C/R we are only getting called by hands that would call/raise our cbet. This allows us to pick up a $2 bet from air.

By check/calling and then leading turn we have a pretty transparent line. We have to hope that villain picked up a card that helped him for a call to occur. This allows villain to catch up if he has an unpaired hand, but may scare some pocket pairs away.

I am of course ignoring the chance that villain has trips. If he does, the money is getting into the middle no matter how we play this.
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