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Old 11-03-2007, 11:07 PM
Rick Nebiolo Rick Nebiolo is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Los Angeles
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Default Re: i got a better idea

Cardrooms also need to clearly post rules of ettiquette in giant letters where all can see them. I see rooms with 35 or more rules written real small on a plaque in the back, but even then, basic ettiquette is not discussed. There should be a highly visible plaque with about 5-7 basics of ettiquette in every room. It should be located so that no one can possibly miss it. Other information can be posted in the back.

[/ QUOTE ]

Agree, etiquette (or perhaps game protection) policies, guidelines and/or rules on one poster is simply too much clutter and tends to be be ignored. But a cardroom that narrows such a poster down to a half dozen or so prominently displayed core items needs to make sure they pick the most important ones. In other words post the five or six that:

- are frequently violated

- many customers may be unaware of

- really impact the game negatively when violated.

My observation is Los Angeles area clubs usually get it wrong (e.g., focusing on the relatively harmless rabbit hunting).

~ Rick
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