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Old 11-03-2007, 09:01 PM
Randiek Randiek is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 222
Default Re: ***SSNL LIFE THREAD NOV***

So I just figured out the costs of my exchange to Shanghai. I really hope my dad will give me some financial help or else I might have to cash out a part of my roll... I need to buy a ticket there, a new camera (as I mentioned before) and I gotta visit Warsaw before I go there, which isn't really free either (got a place to sleep though so ticket + food/drinks will be most expensive about Warsaw).

I have approx 600E in my bank account right now. I guess I'll just grind my ass off the coming weeks and hopefully win big so I can cash out without dropping a level.

If I know more about Warsaw I will let you know; Emo stuff is attached to it :P.

Now I am wondering why I haven't been drunk in such a long time. Wtf. I need to drink more!