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Old 11-03-2007, 06:39 PM
Josem Josem is offline
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Default Re: World Population Growth

So what you're saying is that there's a chance we can use even MORE resources and MORE land and MORE energy? Because these are sort of the things we are already using at an alarming pace.

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Yes, I believe there is a chance that we can use more energy in the future.

Clearly, the physical land on earth is limited, so I envisage that if there is population growth (and that "if" is really dependent on fertility rates, wars, diseases, etc.) future inhabitants may live in more dense living arrangements.

Clearly, the population density of New York City (for example) proves that large numbers of people can live in high density arrangements.

So, it then becomes an issue of supplying all these people with energy - and think how much the energy market has changed in the last 60 years to get an idea of how much it will change in the next 60 years. With technology seemingly developing at such huge speeds, I see no sign that it is slowing down.

There are opportunities in nuclear, solar, wind, hydro (tidal as well as river based stuff) and possibly fusion down the track.

I see no reason to suspect that our energy developments in the next few generations will be slower than our last few generations.

The problems the world faces may be a result of overpopulation. I guess human uploads might be cool but that doesn't mean we ought not work out some sort of backup plan if that turns out not to feasible.

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I still see no evidence that "overpopulation," per se, is creating problems.

It is the starvation and the poverty that causes problems - so let's fix that instead of trying to stop people breeding.
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