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Old 11-03-2007, 04:59 PM
tozzy tozzy is offline
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Default Real Life AP: Regular cheating in casinos for over 2 years!

for those not speaking german (I assume a lot), the cliffnotes:
- He never sits anywhere else than UTG. He claims its his "lucky seat".
- At the casino he played the regularily, the dealers would count the cards at 10pm and 12pm. He knows that.
- During his first orbits, he'll only muck one hand and slip one into his sleeve. He'll do this twice.
- He played an absolutely horrible poker and claimed to never fold for less than 100€ pf (5/10 iirc).
- He would show lots of bluffs and miracly hit his rivercard when called. (or just had then "nuts" all the time)
- He would insist on dealers not leaving early cause they made him "lucky".
- He got caught when the cards suddenly were counted @ 11 pm and the surveillance system recorded him throwing 4 cards into the muck.
- Best hand that occurred (imo): Hero has QQ MP1 about 180 BB deep, makes it 3,5BB. Villain in SB(said cheater) is standing at the roulette table, betting. He announces "reraise pot", whilst not having had a glimpse at his cards. Hero repots it and villain calls, still not having reached his place. The flop comes ragged and he openshoves. Hero calls and villain flips AA.
- No one knows how much he won during that 2 years, but its probably succeeding a million euros.
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