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Old 11-03-2007, 04:13 PM
Poshua Poshua is offline
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Default Re: Odd Craps Situation that Benefits Player - Does it Matter Enough

This doesn't change the odds either way. For any given roll when a point is on, there will be four winning rolls (nines) and six losing ones (sevens). Any other outcome means the bet will continue to the next roll. As such, the odds that your come bet will win remain at 40%.

The only impact this has is to increase the average number of rolls it will take to resolve your come bet, because ~29% of craps rolls are come-out rolls and your bet is off during those. To think of it another way, ignoring all bets except your come bet, it's just as though those come-out rolls weren't happening at all and the table were moving more slowly. Increased time, but no change to the odds.
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