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Old 11-03-2007, 12:09 PM
Profish2285 Profish2285 is offline
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Default Re: TT: Getting 3bet IP

If he is smart then he would realize that double barreling on such a non threatening board with a whiffed hand is terrible. Assuming he is decent, after you call the flop he has to put you on an overpair or AK looking to peel one. Since overpairs consist of many more combos, it would appear that they are the heaviest part of your range. I dont think he would try to get you to fold an overpair on this board, so a bet on the turn would look like its for value. I guess what I am trying to say here is the board is almost irrelevant when it gets to the turn, minus an A or K coming out of course. But I could be wrong here, this is just how I play em. I really dont like getting stacks in here with less than QQ against most people. I play JJ and TT similarly and just try to get to showdown as cheap as possible in spots like this, but I could be missing value sometimes I guess.
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