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Old 11-03-2007, 05:13 AM
sharpie sharpie is offline
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Default Re: Check raised on the turn

i think you really overestimate how often we get a bet out of AJ on the river. he shouldn't be value-bluffing us because he should know we'll call, and he shouldn't c/c because he should know that we don't have any hands in our range to bluff with.

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i think a good assumption for how often he c/c river ui with AJ is 100%

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Tell me 1 worse hand than AJ that hero could have. and dont tell me A9o, quote from op: co seems solid.Even if A8 or A9 would be in heros range a AJ call is idiotic.

Please get real, in this situation AJ is air, either beat by a better ace or a pair

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It doesn't matter that calling with AJ is bad if he'll call with it anyway.
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