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Old 11-03-2007, 02:05 AM
kaz2107 kaz2107 is offline
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Default Re: Follow up w/River Bluff?

ok heres why i dont like bluffing here...

first of all u very well can have the best hand. id say with this river card he isnt folding much that he called ur turn bet with. and the main thing he folds is a flush draw which we r ahead of.

the second thing is the 9 of hearts is not a scare card. why would that change his mind to all of a sudden fold?? if he thought his hand was best on the turn then he will still think that. if a diamond hit or sumtin that would actually change the hand then i think a bet would b better.

so basically i think if u bet and he folds a very big percentage of the time that he does in fact fold u were ahead n e wayz. and i also dont think he folds all that frequently n e wayz
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