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Old 11-02-2007, 01:17 PM
adios adios is offline
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Default Clinton backs N.Y. driver\'s license plan for illegal immigrants

Clinton backs N.Y. driver's license plan for illegal immigrants

Hillary is catching alot of flack for this position as she should IMO. Here's a statement that's not only disingenuous but I believe gives us an insight into how she'd handle criticism if she were elected president:

"Senator Clinton supports governors like Governor Spitzer who believe they need such a measure to deal with the crisis caused by this administration's failure to pass comprehensive immigration reform," her campaign said in a statement. "As president, her goal will be to pass comprehensive immigration reform that would make this unnecessary."

First of all Bush supported comprehensive immigration reform and certainly would have signed the measure that went down in the Senate when the Republicans successfully fillibustered that bill. Second of all Bush doesn't pass any bill, Congress is to blame for the failure to deliver a bill to Hillary's liking. Thirdly, why does the failure to to pass a comprehensive immigration bill necessitate giving illegals drivers licences? Fourthly, why do we need a "comprehensive" bill dealing with illegal immigration reform anyway? And finally why do need to reform the current laws on the books regarding immigration anyway, why not just enforce the current laws?

Needless to say IMO she's not up to the task of being president, the thought of her being president makes we want to vomit.
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