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Old 11-02-2007, 12:30 PM
MrWookie MrWookie is offline
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Default Re: why do you like the music you like?


For the most part, you and I are on the same wavelength. However, I have to agree with your critics somewhat that you're a little dismissive of what you call the "low art" music. I think there's definitely a place for it, and that people shouldn't necessarily feel guilty for rocking out in the privacy of their rooms to Whitesnake's Here I Go Again. I view your low art music like a hamburger. Nope, it's not a steak. It's not sushi, nor is it a 5 course meal at a fine French restaurant. It's just a burger. But you know what? Sometimes "just a burger" is exactly what I'm hungry for. Maybe I'm on the road and need to get somewhere. Maybe I'm out at a bar having a godo time with my buddies rather than putting on my best and going to the opera. There are plenty of places when a burger is more appropriate than something fancy. I'll grant you that Americans eat too many burgers, both in reality and in my analogy, and that there is too much influence from the media pushing burgers instead of pushing things that are a little more nutritious. But even in the world of "just burgers," some burgers are clearly better than others, and there's nothing wrong with appreciating In-n-Out over McDonalds.
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