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Old 11-02-2007, 08:00 AM
Ser William Ser William is offline
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Default Re: Survivor China OFFICIAL THREAD

Pretty sure that contestants can't steal stuff from others. Didn't last season someone go through Yao Man's bag and find that he had the idol?

Also I'm pretty sure Jaime didn't bother to actually inspect the idols in James bag. It was dark, and they were probably hurrying while he was away. But how stupid must they be to think that was an idol that James left behind? He already had 2 in his bag and they knew that, so why would they think there would be a 3rd? I mean, it was still worth a shot, but I can't believe how confident they were in thinking that they had one.

And LOL at Jaime saying how James was not trustworthy and she never should have trust him. It was so obvious from body language that he was never ever ever in their group. Not only that, but they totally screwed him by throwing that first challenge, so why would he ever really trust them again?

This episode was great. I was really happy to see James show that he isn't just a beast at the challenges. He is the only one who seems to be able to tell JRB to back off.

Also, JRB - this guy is terrible. He is really awful at the game.
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