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Old 11-02-2007, 06:52 AM
soon2bepro soon2bepro is offline
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Default Re: Pro-choicers must be anti-tax, no?

But cat doesn't = mammal, just like dog doesn't = mammal, and wealth or body doesn't = property.

Mammal is a classification for many different things. A dog is classified as a mammal, but a dog doesn't = the term mammal, as the mammal classification is more than just a dog. Just like the property classification is about more than just wealth or body.

However, if you say that dog = mammal then any other mammal = dog. Likewise for property. Since if A = C and B = C, A = B. Basic logic principle.

If I say blondness = my girl, that's wrong, since she is not equal to blondness, she's just blond. However if I say blondness = the color of my girls' hair, that's true (as long as there's only 1 possible shade of blonde, which there isn't but you get the idea.)
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