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Old 11-02-2007, 06:06 AM
wazz wazz is offline
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Default Re: 3/6 PLO - 2nd nut flush deep vs. C/R on turn

He sounds like he knows what he's doing. Which makes his turn c/r fairly confusing. It depends a lot on how he views you. The fact that there's a low gutshot out there on the flop that goes with the ace-high flush draw makes it more plausible that he has it, but at the same time he could easily have A35 with the bare ace of spades. Some people never check-raise the turn without the nuts. This spot is too player-dependent - being there, in your shoes, makes the question answerable, as it stands it seems too close to me either way. If I decide to play (I generally do here but I don't know if it's the right decision), I don't shove, I just call with the plan of calling any river shove/shoving if checked to (assuming board doesn't pair).
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