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Old 11-02-2007, 05:40 AM
LuckyLloyd LuckyLloyd is offline
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Default Re: I\'m no good at this live poker thing(Dublin trip report)

I've had Andy to my immediate left for a little amount of time playing relatively deep in tournaments. The hand with the JJ you should really never fold against him - but this is obviously very player dependant. He defends from the blinds very aggressively and will just bet, bet, bet knowing that a good player's late position range to open is fairly big and includes a lot of hands where calling down on all sorts of boards is non automatic.

I can't hate the 76 against him. Although the funny thing is that he is definitely shoving for value with the 99. He has a tendancy to overplay in spots like that. Once he can get a lot of chips in first he'll just think "feck it" - he has often done big tanks in tournaments on top pair or marginal overpairs against a lot of strength. "Pot control" is not something he worries too much about.

In any case, well played and hard luck. You seem to have handled yourself very well and a big result is surely on it's way.
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