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Old 11-02-2007, 05:11 AM
Allinlife Allinlife is offline
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Default Re: Religion DOES Do More Good Than Harm


"An even stronger factor is the power of organized religion --any religion--on a sense of well-being.

"Although their numbers were small, Jewish participants in the poll were the most likely of any group to say they are very happy. Protestants--especially self-identified "born again" evangelicals--also report a high rate of contentment.

"Sixty percent of people who have recently attended worship services at a church, synagogue or mosque say they are very happy, compared to 46 percent of people who have not publicly worshiped and 44 percent who have no religious preferences."

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there is a great potential 3rd variable for this study, which is the level of socialization the people were exposed to.

also to DS, I can see how the statement "religion does more good than harm" could be very well be true for various individuals, but I think it's still very arguable that as a whole, it does more bad to society by endorsing irrational thought patterns that don't require justification or critical thinking, and prevent people from being objective and openminded towards others.
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