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Old 11-02-2007, 01:15 AM
ttgirl ttgirl is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 244
Default Re: AQ, pretty sure he sqeezes, but what can I do?

i usually fold when they squeeze my utg raises which is probably a leak, but at some point if not this hand you're going to need to felt a non top 2% hand pf against him or hes basically printing money 3betting you w/ any 2. this does make me kinda weary that its his 3rd time in 10 minutes. i also think calling and "playing poker" with 2x pot size behind isnt great since were folding when we whiff and probably not getting him stack off with the loser very often. either bluff shove over alot of cbets or fold pf or 4bet pf, which ever you feel like doing at the time.
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