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Old 11-02-2007, 12:22 AM
52s 52s is offline
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Default Re: Survivor China OFFICIAL THREAD

Also I love JRB calling out Courtney, and he's 100% right. People like that absolutely make it far because they aren't considered a threat so all the power players pick each other off and players like her are just used as swing votes. LOL at her being too dense to figure out what JRB was saying.

[/ QUOTE ]


Survivor history is littered with pre-merge weaklings who, upon merge, get forgotten about and sneak their way into the voting majority and ultimately into a Top 4 spot, and in some cases (Vecepia, Season 4), win the whole thing.

JRB's right, you can't forget to bounce Courtney when the time comes.

As far as the preview goes, Todd's thinking is right in wanting to try and bounce James - he IS the physical threat and does have two idols. Two problems with that.

1) AFAIK, the idol can still get played post-vote. If not, well, there's then...

2) That this strategy is the right play if you're sitting on a concrete alliance. Problem is, despite tonight's vote, Todd isn't sitting on anything solid at all. Courtney and Frosti went along this time, but if the right break comes and they can do something with Erik and Pee-Gee and... (of course, the preview "we got 5" is dripping with false hope).

There's also JRB and Courtney not getting along. This is honestly the first alliance I can remember where two people in it openly bring the hate onto each other and then vote the same way (for the most part).

Then there's JRB being told he's part of Team Todd/Amanda. Frosti being told he's part of Team Todd/Amanda. Courtney/Frosti together (?). James/JRB together (?). Todd/Amanda/Denise being the core group of 3... and so on. Nothing solid at all.

But who knows, already post-merge tradition's been broken.

Under normal circumstances, tonight's vote would be for Erik being the "strong male" to hit the turf. Instead he still lives.
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