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Old 11-01-2007, 03:55 PM
p4594spa p4594spa is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 51
Default The quality of play @ 8-16 and lower, and EVEN @ 20-40

I play regularly at Bay101, and I have found that tricky plays at 8-16 and lower are totally wasted on 95% of the players and that they won't even notice they have happened. As a result of the typical Loose and passive players, I have found that the best play is almost always to just bet out, rather than C/R. Even at the 20-40 games, may only 1-2 players are paying attention, and at all of these tables any discussion about pot odds, or implied odds is met with blank deer in the headlight stares.

Am I right about this? Do you see the same at other B&M's?

I find the Small Stakes and Medium Stakes discussion that I monitor and read very useful learning exercises on the analysis side, but not very applicable from the how to bet side because of the nature of the players that I see.