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Old 11-01-2007, 03:44 PM
Toro Toro is offline
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Default Re: Ask DrewDevil your legal questions

Drew Devil:

I'm a registered engineer in Massachusetts and yesterday I got this letter from the State Board of Registration:

"Dear Licensee:

The Division of Professional Licensure (DPL) regrets to inform you that your Social Security Number and those of other DPL licensees were inadvertantly included on several computer disks mailed to individuals seeking publicly available information about DPL lincensees. It appears that the disks incluced SSN's as a result of a computer programming error . . ."

It goes on to say they got all the disks back and have affadavits from all individuals except one that they either hadn't yet copied the disks or if they had they are now destroyed. They advised us to put a fraud alert on our credit through a national credit reporting agency.

It appears that this isn't a great cause for concern but I'm obviously still pissed off about it. My question for you is this. Although it appears remote, if I end up the victim of credit fraud in some way shape or manner, would I have a good cause of action against the Commwealth of Massachusetts?
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