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Old 11-01-2007, 02:36 PM
potato potato is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 262
Default Re: Where do you want to finish?

This may seem like a nitpick but I don't think it is. You're all ready free. Money has nothing to do with freedom. Viewing the situation as "money enables freedom" is pitiful.
You can do whatever you want all the time. You freely choose to make money because you want to eat, provide for your family, etc. I think what you mean to say is that you want to "finish" (what does that mean?) with a life with no obligations, where everything is all ready taken care of. It seems to me that someone who looks at life as a continual struggle for wealth until they no longer have to worry about accumulating the money to buy the stuff they want is missing out big time in the here and now.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's cute.

What if you want to go see Rome and you have $15 in your bank account?

What if you are really hungry and you don't have any money at all? I'm sure someone will give you something to eat, but you're sure not going to be free to choose what you want to eat.

You are confusing freedom and happiness.
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