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Old 11-01-2007, 12:11 PM
sc000t sc000t is offline
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Default Re: When cops pull you over

Just memorize this and you'll be fine.

Officer, you have stopped me, presumably in accordance with state law. If I am to be given a citation, please proceed with the processing so that I may be on my way. If I am free to go now, I wish to leave immediately. If I am under arrest, and any interrogation is to be undertaken I will NOT answer questions without my attorney being present, nor will I perform any agility or co-ordination tests, blow into any preliminary breath testing devices, or submit to any chemical tests, EXCEPT those that are MANDATED by state law in order for me to avoid a license suspension. I do not concent to being videotaped. I do not waive any rights and I may have to challenge your actions in stopping me or in requesting any tests of me. I wish to speak to my attorney at the earliest possible time.
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