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Old 11-01-2007, 07:13 AM
roamer590 roamer590 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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Default Re: Official Airline Horror Stories Thread

lol AEROFLOT from Moscow to Bangkok in 2000. First of all the airport was as cosy and welcoming as the blairwitch forest. Dark and gloomy, and loads of shady characters of unknown nationalities abound. The food was inedible, all I could do was drink vodka while waiting 12 hours there overnight b/c of delayed flight. The flight itself was crazy. The flight attendants , who were 40+, butt-ugly and never ever smiled, walked around with fuming cigarettes in their hands , growling in russian at anyone requesting service. Yes it was a smoking flight lol. The plane was a rickety old antique, the food on board was even worse than normal russian food, all the information was in russian, i wouldn't have known it if we had to make an emergency detour to Ulan Bator. NEVER AGAIN

Another time I flew with a budget airline (NOK air), from Udon to Bangkok (Thailand domestic flight). As we are sitting in the plane on the runway, people are climbing out on the wing and it looks like they are having some sort of problem. This goes on for about 30mins then we take off...
About 15mins into the flight, plane starts shaking. turbulence i think, but it doesnt stop. Eventually the captain says they are having a problem with the plane and we need to go back to Udon. We make back down again safely, but that was my scariest flight moment ever. The icing of the cake - we were told to wait at Udon airport for about an hour , before boarding THE SAME PLANE and going to Bangkok. That was sick. As most of u probably know, a budget airliner crashed in Phuket recently and alot of people died. I have flown 15+ times domestically in Thailand using various budget airlines....NEVER AGAIN
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