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Old 11-01-2007, 06:58 AM
ArmenH ArmenH is offline
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Default Re: 10/25 NL live simple 3-bet situation

Calling a raise here to set mine is usually the standard play in a 10 handed game but you need to mix in your line here as a 3 bet sometimes to stay deceptive. If you are always calling raises with pocket pairs ranging from 2's - 10-s in position you are not going to be flopping sets enough times for the call to be profitable. 3 betting here preflop is also great because you can win the pot on the flop w/o flopping a set now bc you can rep AA, KK, AK.

Anyway, on to the hand. I would never check this flop especially with position. Live players hate checking and folding especially if they've already put 350 dollars in there preflop. Most look for excuses to "protect" their money and have a knack for always assuming people are trying to bluff them. So, my rationale is to punish people that think this way by making them play big pots with me when I flop huge.

Another reason why I would never check this flop is because your hand is so disguised that villain would never be able to put you on a set of 9's and there are scared cards on the turn that can kill your action, As, 10s, any Ace that can come.

I see your line of thinking as logical as well though, you don't want to villain checking and folding a hand like QQ or JJ here which is understandable but I would try getting alot of money on this flop in case villain has bottom set AK, KQ or AA.

Sorry if my response is all over the place, I just kept writing what I was thinking and didn't go back to edit.
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