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Old 11-01-2007, 05:33 AM
estoysinblanca estoysinblanca is offline
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Default Re: Possible virus on my machine, how to check?

It's most likely a trojan. I remember when i used this to retract some stuff from my ex her comp.. U can on silent install just cause the av to error without making it really suspicious. Like similar stuff that's happening here.

I could possible give u some names of programmes to track the trojan and delete it, but if i were u, i'd backup important files, format all and reinstall. It takes only like 2-3 hours of your time and could save you a lot of moniez.

Remember, if it is a trojan that is being actively uses, sensitive information could have been already revealed (keylogger,screenshot taker, ...) So try to get on another comp, change passwords and then format the infected comp.

jm2c. Good luck!
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