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Old 11-01-2007, 05:06 AM
tame_deuces tame_deuces is offline
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Default Re: Pro-choicers must be anti-tax, no?

The point is that dog = cat is a simplification of the OP point that their shared properties mean they should for all purposes be treated the same in this debate.

This isn't a 'political shootdown' of a view, its pointing out the the logic used isn't valid unless you agree with the statement Y about WHY they should be treated the same.

For this debate it is probably healthy to apply the logic in analogues, because the terms in the OP are so loaded on this forum that it will overshadow the pure logic debate.

Like this:

A is X
B is X

A & B should be treated equally.

As should be evident, this statement is only valid if you accept the notion that all X should be treated equally. Which puts you back to square one - political debate.
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