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Old 11-01-2007, 05:06 AM
Vyse Vyse is offline
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Default Re: Lakers and Bulls discussing Kobe trade daily


2. The Bulls don't need rebounding help since they have Wallace and Deng is an excellent rebounder for his position. Due to this, some of what KG offers is wasted.

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Not really. Wallace is on the decline. Like for the past five years. Bulls were an above-average rebounding team but not near the best.

3. The Bulls lack a guy to go to in the clutch.

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Kobe is one of the worst clutch players in the NBA. Check out his FG% on game-winning shots or his 4th qtr FG%. Horrendous.

You don't need a post player. You need someone that can consistently attack the rim and get to the foul line.

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Which is what they expect Deng to become. And what Deng should become.

Kobe's a huge jump shooter btw, he just gets to the line a ton because the officials get in bed with him. Literally. (See: opening night. WTF?!??!!?!?! WTF WTF WTF.)

You need someone that can consistently create for himself even when his outside shot isn't falling.

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As a Lakers fan, I wish Kobe did this more.

And Kobe provides this moreso than any other player in the league.

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iono, I kinda like D-Wade. Or P. Pierce.

Conversely, Ben Gordon imo should not be the #1 option on a championship caliber squad

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I think they said that about Chauncey Billups...

and he would still be forced into that role if you brought in Gasol, KG

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Now this is just WTF

Gordon would flourish in a 6th man role ala Leandro Barbosa.

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Dunno about you but I'm sure most teams don't like intentionally limiting their player when they can play them more minutes at the same effectiveness. Nevermind that Gordon is gonna cost the same amount of money either way. So you're only hurting yourself.


Rebounding? Interior defense?

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You know, these things aren't intangibles. Because we can, like, measure them. Like a cup. Or thermometer.

What you're lacking is a dominant scorer.

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You say this as if without this they can't win the championship. I'm pretty sure the Spurs and Pistons would disagree.

The only decent point in all of that is the Tyrus Thomas one.

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Let me help him out. How about these:

1. Trading for Kobe involves too many more resources compared to trading for, say, Pau Gasol, and the marginal gain does not make up for it.

2. Defense on the perimeter is not hard to find (SUP BRUCE BOWEN, IME UDOKA, or.... THABO SEFOLOSHA [WTF HE'S ON THE BULLS?!?!]) while low-post scoring is quite impossible, yet every championship-quality team has some. But the Bullz. Zzz. It's 1:58. ZZzzzz.

3. Big ego + Scott Skiles = WTF SELFDESTRUCTION

4. Many of the things that Kobe will bring to the team are things that Luol Deng should also eventually bring, because he's a 22-year-old who averaged nearly 19 points a game shooting better than 51 percent who is a slasher, not a jump shooter. Those guys learn how to get to the line. And the refs start handing them more and more gifts the better they get, simply because they're the refs and the NBA is a bit flawed when it comes to that.

PS: Ben Gordon is also getting more proficient at getting to the line, with 5.4 FTA in 33 mpg last year.

5. If the Bulls get to choose, inside scoring is much more preferable than perimeter scoring because the Bulls have two of the best young perimeter scorers in the entire NBA. Ben Gordon: improved FG% each year (45.5% last year), 42% from 3pt career, 84% from line career, rising trend of FTA, just 24 with room for improvement (TOs, PFs), and he averaged over 21 ppg on just 16.3 FGA.

PS: This is obviously dependant on the Bulls not having to give up Deng or Gordon for a Gasol... But they might not have to, due to point No. 1.
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