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Old 11-01-2007, 04:22 AM
Floyd13 Floyd13 is offline
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Default Re: Lakers and Bulls discussing Kobe trade daily

I'm now hoping the Bulls don't get Kobe, because frankly their fans don't deserve him.

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This is such a retarded thing to say. ALL FANS IN EVERY CITY ARE GOING TO OVERVALUE HOMEGROWN TALENT. I hate when people try to act high and mighty like this doesn't happen in their city or to fans of their favorite team.

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I'm talking about people unfairly bashing Kobe, not overvaluing their homegrown talent.

Examples :

Now I don't doubt Kobe's skills, but his drama queen bs really drags down team morale. That is the antithesis of what we're trying to do here.

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No way I do this deal. Deng, Tyrus, Thabo and Wallace are untouchable. Lakers balk at this....go [censored] yourself. The Bulls are set for the next decade and I'm only interested in Kobe at ten cents on the dollar.

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Kobe would also have the Jordan issue to deal with. No one in this town will ever allow Kobe to reach MJ. I hope Kobe realizes this.

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After the way he behaved last night, I might not even give up anything. What a terrible performance. That was the most selfish, poor display I've ever seen. KG never did and that and neither would Jordan.

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I'd rather the Bulls kept their current core instead of sending some of it off to get one of the best 2 guards of all-time who is a bad teammate and generally has a bad attitude towards his job.

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I realize most of these posts are from one retarded fan, and I realize there are many many smart, knowledgeable Bulls fans. But there are also many idiotic Bulls fans like this, and don't deserve to watch Kobe play every night for their team (a joy I will never get for my lousy ran team).

But I'm a big Kobe supporter, and obviously a lot of people don't like him, but it doesn't make me retarded to think some fans don't deserve him after reading many posts bashing him.

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First of all, you guys sure are a hostile group. Not sure why I'm called a moron and undeserving of watching the great Kobe Bryant. Sorry, already saw a much better version of him for a decade. Sucks that you didn't and have to settle for Kobe.

Kobe not a drama queen? LOL. Kobe breaking through Jordan's shadow? LOL. Kobe not being a selfish bitch last night? LOL. KG, Gasol, Brand and Marion are all very solid teammates while Kobe, not so much. You disagree? I will always value big men much more than Kobe, so deal with it. And btw Assani, I think I know how a team can win w/o a big man. I wasn't gonna go point by point, but I'll break down your post tomorrow. Going to bed now.

Edit- Actually I'm gonna do it now. Then I can read the flames tomorrow when I get up.
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