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Old 11-01-2007, 03:06 AM
BCPVP BCPVP is offline
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Default Re: University of Delaware Re-Education Center

Some nuggets so far...

The date 1791 has a 6 written over the 7 in pen (1691).

"Power is the ability to define reality and convince other people that it is their definition."

White culture is apparently the most evil, wicked thing ever to descend upon the earth. "White culture is a melting pot of greed, guys, guns, and god. It is a deadly brew."

Page numbers are hand written in the center of the bottom of the page.

The person who wrote this both cannot come up with an original thought as nearly every paragraph has some thanks to some random person for the material. The author also seems to not understand how footnotes work.

Elvis is evil because he stole rhythm and blues from the blacks.

Being upset about long lines, "speaking with authority as if we are sure of correctness" and "talking as long as we wish" are evidence of white arrogance.

The author seems to be of the opinion that either only the white's land theft/genocide against natives in the early forming of the U.S. matters or that nearly every nation is probably guilty of this if you go back far enough.

"Criminal" and "drug dealer" are racial code-words and are evidence of white attempts to avoid responsibility.

"Private property" is a wholly destructive way of thinking.

Author is a hack.
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