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Old 10-31-2007, 07:04 PM
wiggs73 wiggs73 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Raleigh, NC
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First month being a pro was stressful and didn't go great to be honest.

I only made about 1.5k playing cash games, which is not very good at all for the stakes I'm playing. My graph looks a lot like Pasterbator's except I didn't peak as high. It was frustrating. I lost some $ playing MTTs... didn't play many, results were actually alright, I just didn't final table anything big, so lost money at those. I feel like I'm +EV in those, but probably shouldn't play them right yet because they add a LOT of variance.

Overall, I did make money, but not as much as I cashed out, so yeah, gotta fix that next month. Severance package ftw. Go November.
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