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Old 10-31-2007, 06:31 PM
duvalinalong duvalinalong is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 19
Default Politics as they say

Well, it's just politics as usual...
I see the presidency as a juggling act
But mostly in thinking ahead.
Kind of like a long line of ideas that don't take shape
until long after a president's term.
So when we fight among eachother for saying I like this one
And you're all wrong.
It's like going in reverse and it shows little care for anything but personal aims, and a pig-headed desire for power,
What I see on this forum is very little intelligent debate
(I didnt make the best post either a few days ago)
But tired talking points and basless debasing of character
I see no progress in the political system.
Although some how, since God does to bless America, We come out unscathed in the grand line of puppets and hands that dictate our lives- and the machines behind the black curtain of the puppet stage ruthlessly begs for more destruction only to be made defunct by the outrage of the wronged- a gallop towards utopia-
which none of you will be a part of.

<<<opens flood gate of the programmed retarded internet politcal debators>>>>>
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