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Old 10-31-2007, 03:06 PM
BobboFitos BobboFitos is offline
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Default Re: The Well: BobboFitos

Saw this got bumped, I don't mind answering stuff if people don't mind it, I guess. Whatever works...
Hey Bobbo, I'm bumping your well since it was so good and I didnt get to ask anything.

1. Ogre mage or paladin?

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I don't follow the question, on WOW I had a gnome mage and human paladin though.


2. Rank them. Number 1 being the best game WC2, SC, WC3, AOE.

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Never played WC3, and only a little bit of AOE. But, SC is simply amazing,


3. Did you ever play pro, semi pro any game?

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Video game wise? No, I'm not that much of a nerd :P


4. Poker now... Rank this skills:
a) Hand reading, b) betting ability, c) extracting value, d) Position e) hand strength f)bluffing g)studying (2+2, books, etc ) h) bankroll management

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Alot of those things you say are one in the same. I initially always believed it was hand reading, but I see alot of people (clients, actually) who hand read VERY well but continue to play sub optimally IN SPITE of this. What I mean is they are able to formulate "more perfect information" then their opponents, but they don't utilize that information to result in the better action. I'm starting to think understanding how to utilize that information is more important then gathering it.

5. What board are you most likely to cbet OOP against an unknown holding AJo ( say someone limped from the CO, you raise to 5BB and he calls ) and why
a) K85r b) 5h6h10s c) JcQh10h

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I'd bet all 3 unless I knew more about my opponent, I might check fold b, but I dont see myself doing that too often.


did you really have JJ that big pot we played together at turning stone? if you remember action, what do you think of my riv bet with KT on the xTh9hxAh board ?

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Swear on my life I had JJ. I think your river bet was weird, and to be honest, I made an uncharacteristic move on the river. My thoughts at the time were "this is a good flop rawr I want to be all in" to "ok I think gabe will fire a 2nd barrel it's button vs blinds and we're not so deep that I need to protect my hand" to "oh [censored] an ace hit and he checked maybe he actually hit it and oh wow I do have a heart so the best play by a mile is to check and decide but mentally I'm callin a bet" to "oh he bet the river there is a chance he has SOMETHING and I think that something COULD be better then MY something" so I just shoved. (but you were getting a very good price)

I still can't decide if I like the push from a bluff standpoint... calling (my norm) is likely better, but you mucked instantly that I'm starting to think you really would've mucked an ace that quickly too, since how can it be a fold w/ a ten and a call with an ace, you know? Then again in the heat of battle sometimes peopel don't think like that, and truly an ace IS a call and a ten IS a fold, even though the smallest % of %s people are shoving JJ-KK as a bluff.


wtf? We really need to lock these threads

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Im sorry, if that's common practice to let a well die, that's fine with me, but I was linked this so I'm happy to answer the qs
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